U s t a z a h a n a ♥


Hai Welcome Here

Im full taken xo

We can chatting here

Isnin, 26 Ogos 2013 | 4:01 PG | 0Comment

Assalamualaikum,dan hello.

Okay,well today I nak cerita pasal love love pulak.Hahaha,anyway rasa sangat funny bila I cakap english right? Hahaha.Alaa,biarlah :p *duckface* Eh eh..Melebih pulak.Hahahahahahaha.Okay,back to our topic k.Jum layannn :'D
 Love Is What ? When ? Where ? And what will we do when we  '' in love ''  ? Lets story begin....
Jeng jeng jeng
Love is about 1 + 1 =  ♥ 
Love is also about being silly with you as long as Im happ

 Love is about taking care of me when I'm sick ♥

Love is also about saving the last for you ! ♥

Love is I use to be afraid but when Im with I'll be your hero 

And love is about you have a personal SUPERMAN ♥

Love also about trying different ♥

Love is also about sacrifice to you ♥

Yeah..But sometimes love is about we have ignoring by our love </3

But , whatever you did to me..You are the greatest gift that I ever had :) ♥

Kalau ada jodoh tak kemana , kawen jugak akhirnya kita *eh , keluaq bm pulak --'*

Btw , semua orang layak bercinta cuma membezakannya ialah umur kita ja lah :p hahaha 

Okay , thats all bye assalamualaikum ♥